From BBC.com
It's a lovely marriage of archives and science fiction. If you haven't already heard the news, it turns out that 9 missing episodes of Doctor Who from the 1960s have been rediscoverd in Nigeria by the Television International Enterprise Archive, an archiving business working out of the UK.
The nine episodes - which covered two "stories" - were aired in 1967 and 1968, and then were likely the victims of the cost-saving practicing of wiping and recycling tapes for new programs. Thanks to the fact that they were shipped overseas for international distrubution, these particular tapes escaped recycling, and were kept in a quiet storeroom instead. And we all know that nothing draws in those pesky, curious archivists like quiet storerooms....
These works can now join the others that have been recovered by archivists and fans around the world, and shared with a new generation of Whovians.
Read more about this story HERE.
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