Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mimi's Illustrated Guide to Graduate School, Archives, and Ryan Gosling

After enduring 4 grueling years in the wretched 9-5 slog, I got accepted to graduate school!  I am now a happy first year grad student in an archiving program!

Mainly, I think I was happy that I FINALLY had something to say to stop the never ending question that is directed to us lovely history majors in the world: “Oh, you were a history major! So does that mean you want to be a teacher?” 

I always wanted to say that I had bigger dreams of touching the past!  So that is how I ended up here.  Learning to do just that.  Unfortunately, I’m discovering that the “What do you do?” conversation, isn’t really much better… 

Not that it matters, because since I am a first year grad student, so all I really do is cry into my homework every night :(
I know that it is all going to be worth it though! Because I am learning that archivists are pretty kick ass!  I mean the archivist voice beats the pants off of the librarian voice any day!

And besides, I love going to work everyday now! I love knowing that I am helping to preserve the past.  These few scraps of paper and pictures are the last remnants of a life, and the fact that I get to help preserve it, is pretty amazing.  That is what we are all doing here!  I know that I am not queen of the archives yet…

But just give me time! It’s this connection to the past that gets an archivist’s heart racing and that fills all of us with excitement, and I love it!  We find lost things and bring them to light for future generations, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

And besides, we get the best version of Ryan Gosling!

-Mimi Loran

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