Located in Carson Park, Eau Claire, WI
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1204, Eau Claire, WI 54702
Phone: 715-834-7871
Email: history[at]cvmuseum.com
Library and archives hours: Tuesday-Friday, 1-5 p.m. and by appointment.
Contact: Eldbjorg Tobin, Librarian, etobin[at]cvmuseum.com
The Chippewa Valley Museum came into existence in 1974, and the library and archival holdings reflect its primary purpose: to discover, collect, preserve and interpret the history of the Chippewa Valley. The Glenn Curtis Smoot Library and Archives, located in Carson Park since 1974, contains over 14,000 historic images and more than 25,000 documents preserving the history of the Chippewa Valley, available for researchers and genealogists.
Information about the library and archival collection is available at the Chippewa Valley Museum’s website: http://cvmuseum.com/. A description of the archival collections is available there, the largest of which is historical photographs, containing the most extensive image collection in the Eau Claire area, with over 14,000 images from the mid-19th century to the present. Another notable collection is the Logging and Lumbering Collection containing documents related to the logging industry and the depletion of the pine forests in the area. The Farming and Farm Life Collection documents histories of particular farm families in the in the Chippewa Valley. The Gillette/Uniroyal Collection traces the history of the rubber manufacturing industry in Eau Claire and the Gillette/Uniroyal Company in particular. Finally, the Schlegelmilch Collection contains the papers of the prominent Schlegelmilch family and their house, the Schlegelmilch House, which is maintained by the Chippewa Valley Museum.

South Barstow St. downtown Eau Claire, 1925.

Eau Claire Baseball Team, 1900-1920.

Eau Claire Senior High School, 1939.
Images courtesy of the Glenn Curtis Smoot Library and Archives.
Entry compiled by Sarah Mueller
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