3335 S. 39th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53215
Mailing Address:
3400 S. 43rd St
P.O. Box 343922
Milwaukee, WI 53234-3922
Phone: (414) 382-6202
Fax: (414) 382-6354
E-Mail: archives[at]alverno.edu
Sara Shutkin, Archivist/Records Manager
In the summer of 1974, Sr. Joel Read, then Alverno College President and a historian by training, asked Sr. Joanne Barras (1916-1990), a retired business education instructor, to become the first Alverno College Archivist. Then Sr. Joanne went through extensive training. The Archives was officially established in January 1975 with a campus-wide memo from Sr. Joel and a Winter Institute presentation by Sr. Joanne both outlining the program in considerable detail. In October 1978, the Archives became a unit of the Alverno College Library. A records management program in conjunction with the college archives program was added in the spring of 1987. The Archives became the official repository of the SWITCH (Southeastern Wisconsin Information Technology Exchange) Consortium in 1997.
Throughout its history, the Alverno College Archives has had a reputation for quality service. The Archives is currently staffed by one full-time archivist/records manager, Sara Shutkin and a half-time archives assistant, Debra Butz.
The Alverno College Archives is a unit of the Alverno College Library. The Archives houses about 1627 linear feet of college records of enduring historical, administrative and legal value in a variety of formats including paper, photographs, microforms, audiotapes, and videotapes.
Collections of note include those documenting the Research Center on Women (RCW) and Alverno's unique ability-based curriculum.
The records of the SWITCH Consortium, of which Alverno is a member, are also housed in the Archives.

Happy Birthday, Alverno! Alverno celebrated its Centennial with 21 different events held throughout the year in 1987.

The cornerstone for the ‘New Alverno College’ was laid on Sunday October 19, 1952. It was a cold and blustery day.

Sr. Marian Shreiner in the Research Center on Women. It was established in April 1970.
Images courtesy of the Alverno College Archives. To view more images, check out their web page, in particular the “Timeline of Alverno College History": http://depts.alverno.edu/archives/archome/timeline.html
Entry compiled by Christina Johnson
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