Beginning October 1st, the UW-Madison student chapter of the Society of American Archivists is pleased to continue the Archives Month Blog that first ran for one month during October 2008. For our returning fans, welcome back! For our new visitors, welcome to the 2nd annual Wisconsin Archives Month Blog!
This year we celebrate "Scrapbook Wisconsin," the Wisconsin Archives Month theme sponsored by the
Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board and
Wisconsin Historical Society. For each weekday in October we will showcase hidden gems and unknown treasures that exist in scrapbooks within the holdings of participating historical societies across the state. Our posts will display images of scrapbook contents, provide information about the creators and events surrounding the showcased items, and identify the repository where the items are held.

Our goals for this year's blog are to 1) support the Wisconsin Archives Month theme of "Scrapbook Wisconsin," 2) celebrate some of the rare or hidden primary resource materials that dot our state's archival landscape, 3) rely on local expertise to identify such materials, and in doing so, 4) reveal interesting, significant, noteworthy, and unique records of under-represented communities or groups important to Wisconsin's history.
We look forward to enriching your knowledge about Wisconsin archival treasures and repositories, whether you are a practicing archivist, student, researcher, local historian, or interested citizen. Thanks for visiting!
Images Courtesy of Dr. Ciaran Trace and the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Seated, left to right: Nichole Chisholm, Erin Dix, and Emily Johnson.
Standing, left to right: Duane Rodel, Emily Christopherson, Tara Genske, Sloan Komissarov, Carla Alvarez, Meredith Lowe, Emil Hoelter, Kara Blue, and Peter Shrake.